Do you find no matter how hard you work, the profit only rises slowly, if at all? The key to generating more profit in your business is to focus on the 5 keys to building a business. Most business owners only work on 1-2 of these essential areas.
Below is a combination of 6 hour and 3 hour training workshops. Most are available in and outside of standard work hours. For bookings and further information click on the more info button or call us directly on 06-835 7193 to book your place today!
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5 WAYS TO BUILD YOUR BUSINESS – Increasing profits in your business is easier if you focus on five key areas at the same time.
How to get 61% increase in profits
How the 5 key areas of your business can drive more profit
Share over 250 strategies to easily create more profit
Learn the way to build a business that works without YOU
Poor marketing is an easy way to throw away lots of money.How do you know your marketing actually made you any money last year?
Write adverts that work!
What adverting sales people don’t tell you!
Build a marketing plan for your business
Marketing doesn’t mean spending money
Make extra money easily by selling more with a better sales technique.
5 step proven sales process
How to increase your conversion rate
Build confidence in front line selling team
How to sell to different types of people
Your team will only ever be as good as your leaders and their leadership.
How to get the whole team on the same bus
Work smarter, don’t suffer from overload
How to deliver measurable results
Managing poor performers within a team
Do you sometimes feel your team are going in different directions?
How much more could your business achieve with a fully engaged team?
6 keys you must know to have a winning team
How to get the whole team to focus on improvements
How do you start to systemise your business
Where did the money go, when it looked like a good month’s trading?
Learn the key cash flow busters
Set up simple strategies to ensure cash flow is an easy focus in your business
Learn 5 ways that you can increase profits in your business
The costs are huge in hiring the wrong people who perform poorly.
Successful recruiting
Managing performance and appraisal systems
How to get a robust employment contract for your business
How do you help non-performers to move up or out